Love, Joy, and Languages

A podcast to boost your LOVE of languages and bring out the JOY in learning them

About the show

Love, Joy, and Languages is a podcast where you can learn about language learning; supporting your children in their language journeys; and overcoming the many challenges faced by adult language learners, parents raising multilingual children, and expat language learners. I sit at the intersection of these three worlds, and I want to share my own journey navigating this crossroads while inviting you to discover your own, unique language learning journey.

  • Music used as intro & outro in this Podcast is "Home" by artist Nick Gallant, licensed from TuneCore

Love, Joy, and Languages on social media


  • Episode 12: Multilingual Parenting as a Non-Native: Learning Languages Alongside Your Kids - Interview with Nina Peacock

    23 May 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 7 mins

    Interview with Nina Peacock, talking about her experiences as an adult expat language learning mother in Japan and Germany. Nina shares challenges she faced when moving back to the U.S. from Japan but wanting to continue learning and speaking Japanese at home with her children. Through this journey, Nina discovered TalkBox.Mom and found such success in it that it immediately became her family's foundation for learning German as they moved, yet again, and work to learn the community language in their new home.

  • Episode 11: My Language Learning Routine

    16 May 2022  |  Season 1  |  27 mins 33 secs

    Sharing my language learning routine (SPOILER ALERT: I don't have one!) Today, I share why creating a language learning routine has never worked for me, how social media emphasized feelings of failure for not having a routine, and what I've intentionally done in my language life to continue making progress, stay motivated, and reap the benefits of routine without having one.

  • Episode 10: Solidifying My Language Level

    9 May 2022  |  Season 1  |  18 mins 49 secs

    Sharing my experience organizing and consolidating two years' worth of Italian notes, only to discover that areas I know are weak in my spoken language...I had already learned and practiced over a year ago. I had just never reviewed them or solidified them into my production of the language. I discuss the feeling of unsureness and apprehension I've had about my level of Italian and how reviewing my notes (and talking with my very experienced tutor) cleared my mind, showed me that I can live (and speak!) confidently at my current level while simultaneously focusing to strengthen my abilities and keep moving forward to the next milestone.

  • Episode 9: Good Advice Gone Wrong, Round 1

    2 May 2022  |  Season 1  |  16 mins 45 secs

    First episode of "Good Advice Gone Wrong," a segment in which I highlight some really good language learning advice that can also go wrong. There are countless methods for learning a language, and I believe that all of them are good, but they aren't all good for everyone. Instead of just giving language learning advice, this recurring segment focuses on reasons specific pieces of good advice may not work for everyone. I also brainstorm some ideas for how we can mold the advice and shape it into something that does work for us, hoping to inspire you to discover your own creative, personalized language journey.

  • Episode 8: Good Enough Language Learning

    18 April 2022  |  Season 1  |  21 mins 12 secs

    Discussing what it means to consider "good enough" in language learning -- finding good enough words to communicate what we want or need, recognizing that our language abilities can be situational (and that's okay!), and understanding the importance of accepting what's good enough for today in order to continue progressing

  • Episode 7: Dealing with Overwhelm in Language Learning

    11 April 2022  |  Season 1  |  28 mins 54 secs

    Discussing how time, resources, and expectations are three main sources of overwhelm in language learning and how getting organized, getting analytical, and getting grounded can help reduce overwhelm and provide for clear, focused, and healthy forward progress

  • Episode 6: Language Learning as a Multi-Passionate - Interview with Marjolein Benschop

    4 April 2022  |  Season 1  |  1 hr 4 mins

    Interview with Marjolein Benschop of The Language Community, talking about her experiences, struggles, and perceptions as a multi-passionate language learner. How can we satisfy our numerous passions, seeing progress and growth, without getting overwhelmed and listening to negative self-talk? Join my chat with Marjolein to explore this incredibly interesting topic!

  • Episode 5: Facing Language Tasks We Tend To Avoid

    28 March 2022  |  Season 1  |  22 mins 17 secs

    Discussing avoidance in language learning and why I think we tend to avoid certain language activities; introducing the Face The Avoidance Challenge I created specifically for addressing the issue of avoidance

  • Episode 4: Considering Other Aspects of Life for Language Learning

    21 March 2022  |  Season 1  |  30 mins 6 secs

    Discussing how reconsidering the way we do non-language learning activities can work as a starting point for addressing all-or-nothing thinking and improve how we work to learn languages

  • Episode 3: My Story, Part 3, The Perfectionist

    14 March 2022  |  Season 1  |  31 mins 47 secs

    Discussing some of the ways my perfectionism shows up in language learning & my top tips toward combatting the restrictiveness of my perfectionist tendencies.

  • Episode 2: My Story, Part 2, The Parent

    7 March 2022  |  Season 1  |  31 mins 38 secs

    Discussing the parent side of this adult language learner, trying to figure out how to best support my kids learn languages in the communities where we've lived.

  • Episode 1: My Story, Part 1, The Language Learner

    28 February 2022  |  Season 1  |  28 mins 11 secs
    bilingual, english, english language, expat, language learner, language learning, languages, multilingual, multilingual parenting, polyglot

    Meet Heidi, an adult language learner trying to figure out how to best learn languages outside of the standard classroom methods.

  • Episode 0: Introduction

    25 February 2022  |  Season 1  |  2 mins 1 sec

    A Podcast about loving languages and finding joy in learning them